

Mandatory liability insurance for you as the owner or operator of an aircraft that complies with EU Regulation 785/2004 and provides protection in the event of damage claims from third parties or passengers.


Covers sudden, unforeseen physical damage to the aircraft in the event of, for example, fire, theft, shunting damage or hard landing.

Personal Accident

Choose to insure all seats or only the pilot's seat for bodily injury that occurs through a sudden and unforeseen upcoming event when you are in or on your way out of the aircraft. Provides compensation for financial and medical disability and even in the worst case of death.

Hull War

Supplements Hull Insurance by covering damages arising from strike riots, civil commotion, malicious mischief, war and vandalism.

Fixed Wing & Rotor Wing

Accumulated Insured Values
0 € +


Christian Adolfson is a licensed insurance broker and private pilot with a great passion for the aviation industry.

By hiring a competent insurance broker, you ensure that your aircraft is covered by a correct insurance and to a defendable annual premium.

With a wide network of contacts in Sweden and internationally we negotiate the most suitable insurance for you and your aircraft.

Hiring an insurance broker does not lead to any extra costs for you as a customer. Instead, the insurer pays out commission that is already included in the premium.

Should the accident unfortunately occur, we can act as your representative against the insurance company.

Quotation request

We confidently look forward to submitting a quote for you and your aircraft.
Fill in the information below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.